
This procedure is to cleanse excessive pitta from body. It indicated in pitta dosha disorders like hyperacidity, chronic constipation, chronic skin disorders like urticaria, psoriasis, eczema, recurrent fungal infection, Migraine, hypothyroidism, PCOS-PCOD, Hormonal imbalance, infertility.

4 thoughts on “Virechana

  1. Parul says:

    I have a melasma ( black skin patches) on my face for 4 yrs, I’m from delhi, here all skin doctors r saying that it can’t be cured…can u do something…??.

    1. ritesh says:

      Yes according to history,we give customized medicines ,local application, diet from our clinic

  2. Roshni Anand says:

    Need treatment for my 12 year old son.

    1. ritesh says:

      Yes mail me details

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